Case study – AlproSoja Promo machine

This project comes in from our partners SA&Partners.

Electromechanics designed and produced by SA&Partners.
Modification on machinery including : springs, innercasing, screensupports and electronics compartment and wiring.

Electronics and app programming by Smartclick.

Application :

Start screen

Splash screen with start button

Choice screen

Splash screen with 2 choice buttons.
Each button delivers a product and register the choice made on a local file.

Delivery screen

Screen comes up while product is being delivered.

Empty screen

Screen comes up when machine is empty.

Computer startup & powerloss configuration :

After powerlos and on power on : the refrigerator, all electronic devices and computer start up automatically. The application starts up automatically and prevent access to the OS by the touch display.
The application retrieves all data : qty of users for option 1 and 2, and max ammount when power was lost.


Link with “Choice screen” :
An USB device generates a pulse to the refrigarators’ microcontroller to make delivery.
The application is the one who registers userdata but also the maximal amount of deliveies possible.

Link with “Empty screen”:
This vending machine came without tray sensors, so we countdown from the max amount of deliveries. Once reached the Application locks to “Empty screen”. In this configuration no user input can be made. We did add a button entry on our USB device to push upon refill. Once pushed, the application locks out of the “Empty screen” and back in to the “Start screen”.

To ensure the machine was working according to the client needs we did override the machine commanding electronics by adding our own microcontroller.
This microcontroller delivers products on every spring a set amount of times and jumps to the next spring.

Device security:
All electronics and IT devices are insulated from eachother, ensuring that electrical problems cannot spread and burn out all of the devices at once.